Sample Diet

This is just a sample of a good lower carb diet that will facilitate weight loss. It is very important to keep you meals small and frequent (about every 2 hours). Drinking lots of water will keep you system clean and help you feel full. The foods described here can be substituted with similar types. REMEMBER, sugar, white breads and rice are the enemy! Stay away from sweets, if you need something a small amount of jello can feel like a treat and do little damage to your diet. Call me with questions, if your part of the I Will camp series you will have unlimited access to my ear!


Meal 1

3 egg whites w/1 yolk
4 oz eye round steak
3 tbsp Cream of Wheat or ½ cup oatmeal

Meal 2:
Grapefruit small serving of mixed nuts (one handful)

Meal 3:
8 oz chicken
1 serving peas or asparagus
½ cup Brown Minute Rice

2 rice cakes

Meal 4:
Banana, small serving of mixed nuts

Meal 5:
8 oz chicken
1 serving green beans
Salad (dry)